distal radius fractures (broken wrist)

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  • Surgery for Distal Radius Fracture

    Surgery for Distal Radius Fracture

    posted 10/24/10 in Distal Radius Fractures (Broken Wrist)

    A fracture of the distal radius (just before the wrist joint) is common. Historically, cast treatment was the norm, and stiffness, deformity and pain were viewed as acceptable sequelae of the injury. Nowadays, however, upper extremity surgeons have become much more aggressive in terms of their willingness to recommend surgical...

  • Correction of Distal Radius Malunion

    Correction of Distal Radius Malunion

    posted 9/21/10 in Distal Radius Fractures (Broken Wrist)

    When a fracture of the distal radius heals with slight deformity on xray, this might be referred to as a malunion, although there may be little if any functional impact. At the extreme, however, a fracture that heals with too much residual displacement may cause pain and result in loss...